For every great shirt there’s a process to get there. Here’s a quick list just to give you an idea of what’s involved.
Pick out your garments. Then we can start designing the graphics for the shirt until it’s approved.
Print the film outputs and put the emulsion on the clean screen. Dry the screen in the drying cabinet.

Register the film on the screen and expose it in the exposure unit.
Wash out the screen in the washout booth and put it back in the drying cabinet.
Tape the screen off and register it on the press.

Put the ink in the screens and run a test print to check the registration. Micro-register if you need to.
Double count the shirts. Program the printer and and start printing the shirts.

Put the shirts through the dryer to cure the ink. Count the shirts again and box them up.
Remove the tape off the screen and clean the ink off. Then put the ink in the diptank to remove the emulsion.
Wash the screen off with a power washer in the washout booth. Scrub the screen off with dehazer.
Spray the screen off one more time and put it in the drying cabinet to start the process all over again.